Teachings from Mexico

// A little personal story and thoughts emerged after the recent trip to Mexico and what we have witnessed there. //

I was born + raised Greek but never felt like one. A gypsy heart and a free spirit deeply touched by nature. Egos strong for an extremely sensitive child, separation, taboos, gossip, negative vibes, loud people who had anything essential to say, ignorance or even negative feelings about the environment felt from their daily small scale behaviour affecting the animals and plants of the city and beyond. 

I was alone in the heart with my only consolation and medicine, the spirit of the sea. 

From an early age, I was drawn by stories, books and movies of native American cultures. A video tape of the rainforest always made me feel at home. Diving into nature conservation activities early on in life and being deeply affected emotionally by all the environmental destruction I was witnessing.

Fast forward a few years later during the first steps into my personal development journey, I was absorbed by the cultures of Native America, such as the Native Americans or the Mayans and their Cosmovision. The way how they perceive the energies and how they treat the environment. How they see the world around them and all the organic and inorganic elements in life. Everything started falling into place. Mexico has been the first place to witness this culture and the resonance within. 

What a magical trip it has been, so many flavours, so many cultures and layers of human heritage witnessed, so many colours and aromas.

Growing up into the western minded world with a complete detachment from the ancient ways of living, detachment from life connected to the land, from the elements and the spirits, Mexico felt like a remaining spark of hope towards the path of remembering and of the one reconnecting to the land. Connecting to the energies of the food and the resources, connecting to the Elements and connecting to the soft, etheric qualities of the souls of a higher vibration.

There we witnessed humans praising the waters and giving prayers to the land, so that the plants they planted on arid land will grow faster.

We witnessed humans singing to the father Sun and Mother Earth thanking them for all that they offer to the living beings, animals, and humans. Thanking him for penetrating the Earth with his vital energy and impregnating her with new life. Thanking the Earth for all the abundance and her gifts. Food, stability, point of reference, habitat, grounding, connection. 

Singing and expressing their gratitude to life for all that there is. 

Thanking the Elements. Thanking the energies, the seen and the unseen. Thanking the ancestors. Thanking the full rivers, thanking the springs, thanking the trees full or fruit, and the highest mountains. 

Thanking all that came before us and has led to our own temporary existence on planet Earth during this reincarnation. Expressing gratitude for all that we are being offered wholeheartedly. Humbled by the abundance of life and the magnitude of the supporting Universe and beyond.

Women of three generations melodically were singing, until the Sun reached his highest point right above the middle part of the Pyramid of the Sun in the old Teotihuacan city, the model of the Universe.

Words of love, hugs, support, happiness, tears, humbleness for the abundance, humbleness for just being now in the present moment, recognition that nothing is taken for granted, blessings for unity, blessings for healing, celebration for life itself from now to eternity.

We got transferred to a completely different reality, a parallel Universe of modesty and respect, emotion and connection, sensations and embodiment of the wonders of nature in our current reality. In our very present moment, right there in the now.

We saw families gathering around dozens of lit candles stuck on the ground praying in togetherness like one, led by the eldest woman of the family - the grandmother - the medicine woman - the wild woman - the witch. Drinking ceremonial cups of Posh and offering us one as a gesture to show that we are part of their community after showing respect and resonance to their practice. Sitting there with teary eyes being in awe of the energy of these people, of the heavily mystic setting, the smoke and the warmth of hundreds lit candles and kindred souls.

Within all this I felt the strong need to reconnect again with the roots once again and more profound now more than ever. To reconnect with the Earth every day a little deeper, to reconnect with the old ways of being, taking every day a step further into this relationship, into remembering, into existence in this very moment. Existence in connection to our bodies, in connection to food, in connection to the pure ways of living, in connection to making any utilitarian item with natural materials resourced exclusively from Mother Earth. Harvesting her gifts and giving back our love and respect. 

Becoming better every day, better in reconnecting with our deeper truth, better in reconnecting with our bodies and with the resources we choose to nourish our bodies with. Getting closer every day to the reality of living in this present moment with humbleness for our very existence. The ultimate gift.


With the occasion of the return, I am delighted to announce that I will be extending the Early Bird offer to The Sourdough Bread Workshop happening during the weekend of 20 + 21 April.

Do you feel the calling to reconnect with the ancestral ways of bread preparation in a safe circle of women? Do you feel the calling to reconnect to Mother Earth and her gifts?

This time, I will be offering for the first time a sensorial ritual of the taste using special cacao beans from ancestral cacao plants species originating from the Southern part of Mexico.

Curious to know more about the workshop?

Follow the link below.

Looking forward to create this circle together!

With gratitude,



1 : 1 SESSIONS // Food Meditation + Sensorial Food Connection
