The Sourdough Bread Workshop

Dear ones,

I am very excited to announce that the first sensorial food workshops are here! 

This has been a dream and a heart felt vision for quite some time now during which I was forming the method to align fully to what I wanted to birth and bring out to you … the experience as it became to be today. The method is based on an intuitive approach and years of experience resulting from my own personal work and relationship to food.

During the two days of the workshop, we will work with the sourdough bread, one of the most ancestral foods connecting us with our own past and our ancestors. We will handcraft wildly fermented bread, through food meditation and sensorial food preparation. We will connect in a safe circle of women preparing and sharing the same resource in togetherness. We will consume the resource we made mindfully and with attention around ‘Estia’; the centre of our home. 

Follow the link below for more detailed information on the contents and the experience.

I am looking forward to embark on this journey together!

Love and gratitude,



Memories of the Sourdough Bread Workshop


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